211 is available throughout our five county region (Boyd, Carter, Elliott, Greenup, and Lawrence) by phone, text, and web. Callers should be able to dial 2-1-1 from any home, office or cell phone. If you do experience difficulties, call toll-free at 866-362-6211. You are not alone. Every day thousands of people across North America turn to 211 for information and support - whether financial, domestic, health or disaster-related. 211 is a free, confidential referral and information service that connects people from all communities and of all ages to a specialist who will help you find local health and human services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Are you a service provider interested in getting listed in the United Way of Northeast Kentucky 2-1-1 Resource Directory?
Whether you are an agency with multiple locations, an organization with one location, or a private individual or business that offers services for free or reduced rates for our community members in need, our 2-1-1 Resource Database is a place where you can post information. Services must be available to community members located in Boyd, Carter, Elliott, Greenup, and Lawrence (KY) counties. Best of all, it's free to you!
If you would like your organization or service to be listed on the 2-1-1 directory, please fill out the 2-1-1 Agency Application. Our Resource Coordinator will review your information and add your organization and services to the directory.
Note: Please complete all sections of the application form, as incomplete form submissions will NOT be included in the database.
If you have any questions, please contact UWNEK's 2-1-1 Resource Coordinator.
Please review United Way of Northeast Kentucky's 2-1-1 Resource Database Inclusion/Exclusion policies to find out if your agency is eligible to get listed on the 2-1-1 Resource Database.